Digital Display: Quick Reads

These short and quick reads are all available online and ready for you to enjoy along with the beautiful Spring weather!

Coconut Dreams by Derek Mascarenhas

Desert Gothic by Don Waters

Dubliners by James Joyce

Fat and Queer: An Anthology of Queer and Trans Bodies and Lives by Bruce Owens Grimm, Miguel M. Morales, and Tiff Joshua TJ Ferentini

Lovecraft's Monsters by Neil Gaiman, Joe R. Lansdale, and Ellen Datlow

Moccasin Square Gardens: Short Stories by Richard Van Camp

Nineteenth-Century Southern Gothic Short Fiction: Haunted by the Dark by Charles L. Crow and Susan Castillo Street

The Orphanage: A Novel by Serhiĭ Z͡Hadan

Short Fiction of Flannery O'Connor by Robert C. Evans

Short Stories: A Selection of Interesting Tales by Samuel G. Goodrich

Short Stories by Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Constance Garnett

The Decadent Short Story by Kostas Boyiopoulos, Yoonjoung Choi, and Matthew Brinton Tildesley

The Rebels and Other Short Fiction by Richard Power and James MacKillop

The Short Stories Of Kate Chopin by Kate Chopin

The Short Stories by Langston Hughes and R. Baxter Miller