Video Views Skyrocketed in 2020!

We've all been watching more videos since the beginning of the pandemic, but none more so that our students! The Library provides access to all sorts of films, from educational documentaries to independent films. But did you know that behind the scenes, the Library is also involved in supporting videos posted in Blackboard, especially eReserves items? You can find all sorts of MacEwan create videos at


Most professors have been creating and uploading instructional videos, and we can see, at a glance, how those videos are being used (don't worry, we haven't collected any personal information!). For instance, over eleven million minutes have been viewed since February 2020! That's a lot of (educational) screen time. And, these minutes have been viewed by over 19,000 unique viewers. We're reaching a lot of people.

Years worth of views: 11,000,000 minutes viewed, 19,000 unique viewers

But which video has reached the most people since the pandemic began? It's "Finding and Accessing Your Blackboard Courses," with 5,432 plays.

The most viewed video: "Finding and Accessing Your Blackboard Courses" by eLearning at MacEwan. 5,432 plays!

Even when the pandemic winds down, we'll continue to offer video content and support. Let us know what you think!