
Video: Finding Books & eBooks

Use the main Library Search to search for books by keyword (e.g., “social media” AND statistics) or by title (e.g., “Life of Pi”).

Under "Refine your Search" on the left side of the search results page, limit to “Books” under Resource Type.

Results include item availability status. Select book title for detailed record and access options:

  • Available at MacEwan University Library: available for immediate pick up. Locate book on shelf using call number (e.g., QL737.C22 W36)
  • Checked Out: currently unavailable. Select "Place Hold" from record to be added to a waitlist. You will receive an email when available for pickup
  • Available Online: access eBook from record by selecting "Read Online"
  • Get it from other locations: Try placing an Interlibrary Loan Request, or contact Library Help to explore other options

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