Maintaining online author profiles makes it easier for others to locate your body of work, especially if you have a common name or have published under different names. Several profile platforms also provide opportunities to promote your work and network with other scholars.


With ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), researchers can:

  • Create an online CV that lists their research activity, employment history, and education
  • Share this data across systems to reduce the need for manual data entry
  • Make it easier for others to find works published under different names and name variations

ORCID is becoming a standard requirement when submitting manuscripts to publishers, and when applying for grants.

MacEwan University faculty members are encouraged to register with ORCID at Registration is free.

Google Scholar

Create a Google Scholar Profile to showcase your publications and track who cites your work overtime.

Web of Science

Register an account with Web of Science (MacEwan login required) using your MacEwan email address. This will provide you with access to a researcher profile where you can list your publications and see who has cited each work. Web of Science will also assign a ResearchID to you and your work similar to ORCID to help you and others locate all of your publications.


Like ORCID and Web of Science, Scopus provides author profiles and unique author identifiers to track works. Go to Scopus (MacEwan login required), perform an author search, and select an author’s name to view their profile and associated research metrics.

Other Options and ResearchGate are popular sites used by academics to create author profiles, share works, and explore research metrics.  

Note that these sites are for-profit and not reliable places to share copies of your work with others long term. Instead, we recommend depositing scholarly works in a research repository

Need Help?

For help determining the best places to share copies of your scholarly activity, including considerations around publisher copyright requirements, email for assistance.