Books, book chapters, and compact discs by MacEwan University faculty and staff.

The MacEwan Library collects select physical copies of works by MacEwan University faculty and staff produced while working at the university. This includes books, book chapters, and compact discs.

Explore MacEwan Authors

To view these works, search the phrase "MacEwan Authors" in the Library catalogue, or browse recent titles in the Faculty Scholarly Works display case on the main floor of the John L. Haar Library. 

Contribute to MacEwan Authors

MacEwan members who have recently had a book/book chapter published or a CD released are invited to email with details. We will make every effort to order a copy. We also welcome donations of these works, which can be dropped off at the Library Services desk. 

What's Not Included

Please note that this initiative does not include the following:

  • parts of series
  • case studies
  • conference proceedings
  • multiple editions of the same work
  • reference works, including encyclopedias, dictionaries, or companion texts

Works costing more than $300 will only be purchased on a discretionary basis.

Digital copies of works, including journal articles, theses, and conference papers, can be deposited and explored in the university's institutional repository, Research Online at MacEwan, where copyright allows. Please email for more information.